Monday, August 12, 2013

#Made4Math - Labeled Binder Clips

Here we go! Another #Made4Math Monday post :)

My project this week is very simple, but also very helpful.  I'm sure some of you could take this and do way more, but I wasn't up for that this time.

My inspiration came from these beautiful binder clips I have had since I student taught.  I believe I got them at Office Depot.  
They are amazing because they have the days of the week printed on them!  They are really good for using when I make copies ahead of time.  But most of my daily paper managing is class to class.  So I wanted ones that had different period numbers on them.  Specifically 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th.  So I got together some supplies:

Binder clips, stickers I got at Dollar Tree, a box cutter (scissors might work if they are really sharp), and a sharpie.  From here, you can probably figure out what to do.  I put the sticker on the binder clips:
Folded it down each side:
Cut along the edge as straight as I could (repeat):
And labeled them:
Then do it for however many you want.  Here's my finished product.
I'm not exactly sure how useful they will be, but it took all of 15 minutes to make, so if I want them I have them.  I use my day ones all the time, and I think I still have them all, so that's a good sign!

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