
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Unit 2 LTs (draft)

I have been working on my Unit 2 Standards.  Please remember that my big unit breakdowns are coming from Appendix A (this is because of my school's curriculum and the project I've been apart of).  The second unit from Appendix A is GIANT.  Over twenty standards.  That is difficult to manage, thankfully I had did some breaking-down of it this past year as I taught it, so I had a bit of a foundation.  I have changed a lot though, so without further ado...


Standards Addressed Throughout:  F.BF.1, F.IF.4, F.IF.6, F.IF.9, F.LE.5

Section 2.1:  Functions in General
                Standards Addressed:  F.IF.1, F.IF.2, F.IF.5
2.1A:  I can find the domain and range of a relation (in any form).
2.1B:  I can determine and justify if a relation (in any form) is a function.
2.1C:  I can use function notation to describe, evaluate, and graph a function (in any form).

Section 2.2:  Linear Functions
                Standards Addressed:  A.REI.10, A.REI.12, F.IF.7
2.2A:  I can determine and justify if a function (in any form) is linear.
2.2B:  I can find the slope and y-intercept given a linear function (in any form).
2.2C:  I can graph a linear function (in any form).
2.2D:  I can define an explicit function to model a given situation.
2.2E:  I can interpret the meaning of the slope and y-intercept of a function used to model a situation.

Section 2.3:  Systems of Equations
                Standards Addressed:  A.REI.5, A.REI.6, A.REI.11
2.3A:  I can state whether or not given values for the variables represent a solution to a system of equations.
2.3B:  I can estimate a solution to a system of equations graphically.
2.3C:  I can identify a solution to a system of equations numerically.
2.3D:  I can solve a system of equations algebraically.

Section 2.4:  Exponential Functions
                Standards Addressed:  F.IF.9, F.BF.3, F.LE.1, F.LE.3
2.4A:  I can determine and justify if a function (in any form) is exponential.
2.4B:  I can find the base and y-intercept given an exponential function (in any form).
2.4C:  I can graph an exponential function (in any form).
2.4D:  I can define an explicit function to model a given situation.
2.4E:  I can interpret the meaning of the base and y-intercept of a function used to model a situation.

Section 2.5:  Sequences
                Standards Addressed:  F.IF.3, F.BF.2, F.LE.2
2.5A:  I can identify if a sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither.
2.5B:  I can define an arithmetic sequence (in any form) recursively and explicitly.
2.5C:  I can define a geometric sequence (in any form) recursively and explicitly.
2.5D:  I can explain why a sequence is a function.

Section 2.6:  Exponents and Radicals
                Standards Addressed:  N.RN.1, N.RN.2
2.6A:  I can find powers and roots.

2.6B:  I can translate between exponential and radical expressions.
2.6C:  I can simplify exponential and radical expressions using the properties of exponents.

A few of my thoughts:
  • I want my students to understand that a function has multiple representations, and I want them to be comfortable moving from one representation to the next.  This is why I put "in any form" in so many of the learning targets.  I think it's obnoxious, so I think I will take it out...but for now I need it to remind myself of that crucial important concept.
  • I think Section 2.6 actually fits better before Unit 4 (when quadratics are introduced).  For Unit 2 all I need is the definition of an exponent, negative exponent property, and the zero exponent property to go along with exponential functions.  I don't think it's worth doing all properties that far ahead of when they can be used in context.  So I will likely break slightly from the recommendations of Appendix A and place this with Unit 4.
  • [Edit 7/28]  There is nothing specific in here about comparing linear and exponential functions, but we do it as we explore exponential functions, and also with sequences.  That's one of the reasons why I chose to not integrate sequences into the other sections.  We will discuss similarities and differences, and I will ask students to compare on assessment (we have "advanced" questions so I can ask an extension of a LT fairly).  Does that make it OK that I don't have it as a specific LT?  I just feel like there are SOO many...
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give me feedback.  Either by commenting here or by tweeting me (@kathrynfreed).  I want feedback from you no matter what you think.  Making decisions like this for my classroom is a little terrifying for me, so your feedback helps me know what I need to change to make this the best I can for my students.



  1. I gave most of my feedback on twitter. happy to discuss Algebra 1 curriculum anytime. I don't know if you noticed, but I nominated you for the Liebster award last Sunday. Check my blog for the details.

    Scott Hills

  2. I don't think it is obnoxious at all to have (in any form). I think the emphasis is great for you and your students. Last year, some students really struggled to see that and it is very important because Common Core often calls on students to make comparisons of functions in different forms. For example, comparing a table of one function to the equation or graph of another function.

    I found your blog just a few days ago, but forgot what I was searching. Since I see you use Interactive Notebooks, I will continue to follow your progress. I'm using them for the first time this year and am really excited (but also scared) about it. :-)

  3. @Scott
    Thank you for all your feedback and twitter conversations! I enjoy chatting with you. I finally posted my post about the award; thanks for the nomination!
    I look forward to continuing our collaboration.

    @Brick House Project
    So happy that you found my blog! Thank you for your feedback, I agree that it is important to remember that students have to really be fluent with the various forms of a function.

    Also this will be my first year with Interactive Notebooks and I feel the same way as you! I'm really, really excited, but also scared that something will flop!

    Do you have a "teacher" blog that you write? I would love to see what you are doing in your classroom.

    Thanks for reading!
