
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Liebster Award

I was nominated for the Liebster Award a while back by Scott from planting-ideas.  But that was the day I left for vacation, so I didn't really have time to do anything about it.  Now I'm finally getting around to accepting my award :)  However, there are some "rules" attached to it! 

Here they are:
  • Link back to the blog that nominated me (yup I already did that :)
  • Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
  • Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself
  • Create 11 questions for your nominees
  • Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them
Because I'm me, I will be doing those things in exactly that order. Step 1 is done :)

Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers (these come in no particular order):

  1. Garnett Hillman at When There's a Fork in the Road...Grab a Spoon!
    Garnett is my SBG guru.  She has given me a lot of practical suggestions in my process of implementing SBG.
  2. Matt Owen at Just Tell Me the Answer
    Matt and I have had many Algebra 1 conversations via twitter.  Enjoy having someone to help me process all of the standards.
  3. Jessie Hester at Mrs. Hester's Classroom
    Love all the ISN ideas from her blog.  I learned so much from her top 5 post!
  4. Kelly O'Shea at Physics! Blog!
    Whiteboarding.  Enough said! (Barely made the under 200 followers cut off!)
  5. Jessica Hardy at Tweetching Math
    One of my new twitter friends!  Hopefully she will have a #made4math post on her blog soon!
  6. Robin Matthews at Romanthio
    Another new tweep.  Love all the work she put into sharing her SBG journey on her blog.
Honorable Mention (she has over 200 followers...):  Sarah Hagan at Math Equals Love
Confession:  I read Sarah's entire blog in one night because I just couldn't stop.  (Hope that doesn't come off as creepy!)  Great ISN ideas!

Answer the questions posted for you by your nominator:

1.  Is there anything you wish you could teach, but don't get the chance to?
I love teaching Algebra that is definitely my #1 passion.  But I also would like to teach economics and computer science, however I'm not certified (at this time) to do that.

2.  Did any teachers when you were in school particularly challenge you, and how did they do it?
I felt very obligated to be successful in my economics course.  I had an out-of-school connection with my teacher and at one point he told me that I understood a lot more about the world than a lot of people my age.  Knowing that he thought highly of me only made me want to work harder for him.  (And I loved the applicability of mathematics in economics.) So in short--relationships!

3.  Do you worry about continued employment from year to year?
After my first year of teaching my position was cut.  But at my new school I do not worry about it.

4.  What do you think is the greatest impediment to people becoming or staying teachers?
I think it's too different things. I don't see much impediment to becoming a teacher, but I know a lot of people who choose not to stay a teacher.  I feel as though this is because of the overload of work.  It's a lot to manage a classroom; effectively plan a scope and sequence (for up to 7 different courses); deal with paperwork, technology, students, parents, and administrators; plan lessons that will effectively hook students and help them learn; assess students appropriately; and all the other things that didn't pop into my head instantly.  So many stressful things makes for a lot of stress.

5.  If you could have your own child in one of the bloggers who you follow's class next year, who would it be?
Well, I don't have any children, so I don't think I can reasonably answer this question.  I would guess it sort of depends on the child's personality.

6.  If you could take your class next year on a field trip, where would you take them and why?
Probably somewhere to learn about the wind turbines.  I just think they are so awesome and so full of math, but I don't really know anything about them...

7.  If you're in the middle of a lesson which is bombing, what do you do?
I look at my students and I say.  OK, by the end of class, I need you guys to learn this.  Any ideas?  What can I do that will make that happen?  What can you do that will make that happen? (I honestly did that once and it was OK.)

8.  In the past year, approximately how many hours of (real life) professional development have you done?  approx. how many hours of virtual PD?
I had at least 16 full days of real life PD in the last year, and we have almost weekly 1/2 days of we'll say around 200 hours.  Virtually, I couldn't even start to count.  The MTBoS is pretty much my life.

9.  Are you a member of the national association relating to your subject matter (ie, NCTM)? If so, why. It not, why not?
I am a member of NCTM because I get journal, etc. that give me teaching ideas.  Also discounts on books.  

10.  What is the opinion of your co-workers (about you and what you do) in your department at school?
I don't know, because I'm not them, but I suppose they think I'm OK and that I'll get better with more experience.  Somethings I say/do are good, but others need work :)

11.  If you were made superintendent of your district for a day what would you change about how things are currently done?
Please, please, please don't make me superintendent!  Way different role than what I want.  Not even sure what all the superintendent has control over.  My classroom is enough responsibility for me!

Share 11 random facts about yourself:
  1. I've known since 11th grade that I wanted to teach mathematics.
  2. I traveled to Africa twice.  Once to Ethiopia and once to Malawi.
  3. I have 7 brothers and sisters.  Don't expect me to remember your birthdays because I have enough trouble remembering theirs :)
  4. My favorite TV show is Bones.
  5. My husband and I have been camping in Maine, Montana, Iowa, and Colorado
  6. I student taught in Chicago in a high school with almost 3,000 students.  Then my first year teaching I taught at a high school with about 100 students.  (Big change!)
  7. I would prefer to have school year-round with longer breaks throughout the year. 
  8. One of my education professors told me to make sure to learn something new every year.  I take that to heart.  This year I tried horseback riding for the first time!
  9. I moved this summer so that instead of having an hour drive I have a seven minute walk.
  10. My husband got my a kitty for Christmas and I love her to death.  She is very spoiled!
  11. My mom got a smart phone before me.

Create 11 questions for your nominees:
  1. What made you decide to start a blog?
  2. What do you feel like the purpose of your blog is?
  3. How did you choose the title of your blog?
  4. Would you rather...have 1000 people read each post and none comment or 10 people read each post and all comment?
  5. What is the greatest benefit you have found from reading blogs?
  6. When did you know you wanted to become a teacher?
  7. If you had to pick another career what would you choose?
  8. What is the best teaching advice you have ever heard?
  9. Is there anything you wish you could teach, but don't get the chance to?
  10. Share a favorite classroom memory, either from when you were a student or a teacher.
  11. What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment as a teacher?
Contact your nominees and let them know you nominated them
Well, I guess that's up to me to do once I post this blog!  


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