
Friday, June 1, 2018

End of the Year

Things will be changing at my school next year.  Don't worry, I'm still happily planning on being in my same position, but I will be losing several coworkers as well as my principal.  I am very sad to lose so many wonderful, compassionate people.  I have enjoyed working with them and some of them are my dearest friends.  But apparently this stage has come to an end, and there are things to look forward to in a new year, so here are some of them!

1.  Our bell schedule...I think every year our bell schedule changes a bit.  Hopefully this one is a keeper :)

2.  My organization plans...I've been filing lots of Algebra papers into a file cabinet for years.  It's overflowing now, so I've decided to try unit binders with MINIMAL paper copies and keeping everything I can in google drive.  I've got drive set up ready to go, so I will work next year to transition.

3.  My attitude...I think doing the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek with Angela Watson has really allowed me to put things into perspective and focus on school at school and home at home.  I want to keep strengthening that because it's the peace I get from stepping away that allows me to deal with challenging behaviors in a more peaceful way.

4.  Our new principal admitted to not checking email at home.  What a great example of self care!

Something Positive:  I got a very wonderful compliment from a coworker today, and I'm feeling that that is a powerful way to end the year.  It is nice to know that someone thinks I've got potential and am doing a good job.  I will tuck that away for the future when I need it - too bad it wasn't written down!

Something Funny:  As I was cleaning out my room I came across a box that I didn't want to throw out last time I cleaned out the closet.  Upon opening it I found these certificates for a math competition

I was thinking about how funny it is that this is OLD (you can see this says 2006, others were from 2002) and then I realized that *I* was in high school then...but slowly my brain put together the more ironic fact that my husband was in high school then and he attended the school we both now teach at!  As far as he can remember he participated in this math competition in 2006, meaning that this is a result of his efforts (along with others' as well).  This was by far by #myfavoriteclassroomtrash


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