
Monday, July 8, 2013

ISN Set Up

So I couldn't help but start my ISN because I have so many awesome ideas rolling around in my head that I NEEDED to try them out.

Here is what I'm starting with:
You can already see a few things I'm definitely going to do.  First, use a rubber band to help hold it all together.  I'm guessing my idea for that first came from here.  But, I stapled it to the back instead.  It didn't take a fancy stapler or anything and it seems a little easier than the hole punch, at least to me.
Staple :)
Also I want use tabs for each section so that students can find things faster.  I got this idea from Mrs. Hester here.  Since I'm at home I worked with what I had available, so this tab is made from masking tape, but I will likely do something similar to what Mrs. Hester did.

When you open it up I'll probably just do a basic info page.  Name, Algebra, Period or something.  I am the type of person who never (ever) uses the first page of a notebook, so I couldn't think of anything better to put here.  If you have ideas, please let me know!
 I also wanted to put my syllabus in my ISN and after reading about it here, I wanted to do a tri-fold brochure type syllabus too.  But it's going to be a challenge for me to fit my syllabus on that little of we'll see how it goes.  Anyway the back side of the first sheet is reserved for the syllabus.
Syllabus (and yes that's my foot...I'm not a great photographer...)
If I do a table of contents I would do it next, but I'm not sure I want one if I have tabs...I have a space in each section I could add page numbers (see below), so I'm still undecided...

Then the first section:
Title Page
 And a pocket behind it for all the papers from that section...Quizzes, Test, In Progress papers... I first heard about the pocket here, but I think they are pretty common.  I don't want mine super stuffed, so I figured one per unit will help with organization.
The next page is what I ended up attaching the tab to.  I was going to attach it to the pocket, but it felt flimsy when I put papers in my pocket.  On this page of each section we will tape/glue in a paper that lists learning targets and students can record their scores. I got this idea from Jonathan here, but changed it a little to meet my needs.  As an FYI, I am planning on have a page in my gradebook for each student (yikes!) and I will just tape one in for each student, too. (Interactive Teacher Gradebook :)
Tab and Records for Section
 Here is the file: [does not currently work]
(I've seen some people with their dropbox files embedded...please teach me!)
Oh, also I might have them put page numbers here so that it is a table of contents for the section.

View of open notebook
 After that we would start on the first learning target.  I know that ISN is usually input on right output on left, but that seems really backwards to me...why not start on the left and work toward the right.  Also what if someone write big and wants more space?  I am probably going to let them move to the back page of the right side.  (I'm not going to be OCD about everyone being on the same page...I hope!)  But I suppose if someone could prove to me that it would help my students learn better to do it the other way then I could probably switch. (That means leave comments or tweet me if you think it's totally wrong that I want to do notes/foldable/graphic organizer/input on the left and practice/reflection/activity/output on the right.)
Section 1
Well, that's all I have for now.  That's mostly just the big, basic structure of it, but the way my brain works I have to figure that out before I can figure out the rest!

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